PROLEGAL Advocates
May 20, 20232 min
Crossing Borders, Forging Justice: The Brussels I Recast Symphony
Today, a lot of business is done across countries. Being able to enforce civil laws across international borders is essential in today's...
Dr Jurgen Micallef
Aug 22, 20224 min
The Responsibility of Minors (Part 2)
This article is the second part of a two-part series of articles about the responsibility of minors at law.
Dr Carlos Bugeja
Jul 14, 20223 min
Usufruct is the real right to enjoy things of which another has the ownership.
Dr Renè Darmanin
Jul 4, 20224 min
A Jury of Peers - Jury Selection in Malta
In this series of articles, Dr Renè Darmanin will discuss the trial by jury in Malta. In the first part, he discusses jury selection.
Dr Martina Francica
Jun 17, 20224 min
Planning Permits & Ownership
When the Planning Authority is deciding on a planning application, it is not expected to verify whether the applicant is in fact the owner.
Dr Carlos Bugeja
May 18, 20224 min
Opening Windows
Our civil courts are crowded with cases involving a seemingly innocuous act: the opening of a window overlooking a neighbour's property.
Dr Carlos Bugeja
May 5, 20224 min
A breach of fundamental human rights: the rights of the heirs
In a court of constitutional jurisdiction, could the heir recover compensation for the losses incurred by the testator?
Dr Carlos Bugeja
Apr 15, 20223 min
The Law of Good Friday
The Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ holds a special place in law which other religious holidays do not.
Dr Carlos Bugeja
Apr 7, 20225 min
The challenge of challenging a will
Challenging a will is never easy, and here is why.
Dr Graziella Cricchiola
Mar 30, 20223 min
Abortion - The Law
Poland and Malta are the only EU member states that uphold highly restrictive laws in relation to abortion.
PROLEGAL Advocates
Feb 18, 20225 min
Pre-1995 Leases FAQ
Pre-1995 leases have been at the centre of legal discussion in the past few years. Here are answers to frequently asked questions.
Dr Jurgen Micallef
Feb 3, 20225 min
The Responsibility of Minors
The law provides for special rules of responsibility for situations where damages is caused by a minor.
Dr Carlos Bugeja
Jan 4, 20223 min
The Good Old 'Opra Morta'
The owner of the topmost roof or a terrace is bound by law to raise the party wall to 1.80m from its footing. This is the opramorta.
Dr Carlos Bugeja
Nov 28, 20213 min
Pre-Contractual Liability & Maltese Law
The doctrine of 'Precontractual Liability' quashes the widespread idea that there are no obligations during the negotiation stage.
Dr Carlos Bugeja
Oct 7, 20214 min
Bartolo Parnis vs Malta - 7.10.21
In the judgment of 7th October 2021, the European Court of Human Rights once again chastised Maltese rent laws.
PROLEGAL Advocates
Sep 24, 20211 min
L-Ilsien Malti fil-Qorti
Fil-qrati, nużaw ħafna terminoloġiji interessanti bil-Malti. F'dan l-album, ħa nduru dawra mal-bini tal-qrati u l-użu tal-lingwa Maltija.
PROLEGAL Advocates
Sep 14, 20211 min
Il-Liġi taċ-Ċens
Fost is-suġġetti fil-Liġi tal-Proprjetà, waħda mill-aktar li tħabbel il-moħħ hija l-liġi dwar l-Enfitewżi, jew kif nafuh: 'Iċ-Ċens'.
Dr Renè Darmanin
Aug 31, 20214 min
Solitary Confinement
Is the concept of solitary confinement a reformative or a punitive measure. Associate Rene Darmanin discusses.
PROLEGAL Advocates
Aug 2, 20211 min
Notice: Summer Office Retreat
Our office will be closed between 2 August and 4 August 2021.
PROLEGAL Advocates
Jul 28, 20211 min
Summer Office Retreat
There is no 'I' in team, but there certainly is a team in every story of success. We believe in the value of teamwork, and that is why we...